All paths are the same: they lead nowhere. ... Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't, it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere; but one has a heart, the other doesn't. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you.” - Don Juan.
Everything in this space has its season.
Movements of sadness, melancholy, grief,
mixed with dances of joy, truth, and peace.
The heart holds it all,
and dances.
With Love.
It breaks open.
Don't miss a season or a beat.
Awareness.. .. .. ..
.. ..The Graceful Heart.
Electromagnetic Heart
The heart has an electromagnetic field that radiates over 2 metres! In addition to its physiological function, it's a large sensory organ. Therefore we are able to perceive and communicate through this electromagnetic field with the world around us. Firstly by becoming aware of the heart space and secondly being aware of the feelings moving inside this space, serve to connect us to this field.
We can therefore move to find balance and harmonise the field. This requires being able to feel and hold the full spectrum of feelings. Without pushing some away, or trying to force them along. As a result it takes some practice.
Freedom lies in the choice to experience and consequently participate in the hearts dance with anything, everything, somethings, one thing and nothing. The alternative is to kick, scream and resist while the heart dances with anything, everything, somethings, one thing and nothing.
The Invitation
Therein lies the invitation to move with heart in the dance. Does this dance have heart? If it does the dance is good; if it doesn't, it's of no use. Explore the hearts possibilities. There are many secrets that will be revealed to you, simply by putting your attention here. Dance with whichever one moves in you. Allow your heart to feel both inside and outside and respond to the feeling through movement. Dance your heart out!
Beautiful words B. The heart focused dance last month was amazing and really affirmed for me the healing power of embodying our feelings. Nice pic 😉