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Nicholas Meinert

Hello everyone, I’m Nick. And I am both nervous and excited to take this deep dive into music and dance. I am excited because these are world’s that I have not afforded myself the freedom to express myself in, atleast not in much depth. And I look forward to the openings and healings that may take place.

I am interested in the spiritual realms, and my daily practices keep my sane, as well as any bodily movement and time in nature. I have a serious side that I am keen to loosen up more, and see what this dance can shake up in me. Learn to dance into the fears and unknowns and back into love. Stepping into my true self, I am the most sociable and joyess person with a love to serve others and the earth. But I have to remember to start with myself!

Currently I feel in a space of limbo, so I am grateful bringing in a little structure into my life, like this course offers. I live with an adorable pooch named Eva, who is only 1 years old.